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LinkedIn Headshots

Getting the Right Professional LinkedIn Headshot

Your online business presence has been becoming increasingly more important over the last decade. Can you imagine trying to run your company without at least some online media space?  It’s almost unthinkable.  In fact, online marketing probably takes up a huge chunk of your time already. In today’s marketplace, your website is just part of your online marketing strategy. You’re also expected to operate on several social media channels as well and creating a consistent identity across all of these can be challenging.

One of the simplest ways to make your business easily recognisable across all the channels that you operate with is to include a clear and professional headshot.  It has been proven that clients rarely purchase a product or service on their first exposure to it and so brand recognition can be a really important factor.  For many small businesses, you are the brand so it’s essential to make sure you are well represented. Depending on the nature of the product or service you provide, you may be more of less active on any of the social media platforms.  If you’re selling B2B, then LinkedIn is likely to be a more important online space for you.

Designed to steer away from the type of personal content and opinion you’d find on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, LinkedIn bills itself as the largest professional network on the internet.  It is designed to assist businesspeople in discovering opportunities and strengthening professional relationships as well as seeking employment or even improving the skills they need to take their career to the next level.

So, LinkedIn of all the social media platforms, is probably the most critical on which to present yourself clearly and professionally.  However, if you scroll through, you’ll see that a great deal of people are not making the most of that little profile picture circle to make themselves recognisable and promote their brand.  It’s only a tiny piece of digital real estate but it is attached to all your posts and comments and so it just makes sense to have it be instantly recognisable when you have something to say.

We recommend :-
- Head and shoulders only so your face is the focus, it’s a tiny space after all
- Ensure there is headroom and space around you so that you are not cropped in circle layouts
- Clean white or neutral background so there’s no distractions
- Professionally posed and lit, a professional photo shows how seriously you take your business image, and therefore your products and services
- Just you – it sounds obvious but parts of other people where you’ve cropped into a group image can detract from where you people to focus – i.e., you

Of course, we understand that visiting a studio to have a profile image professionally created can feel uncomfortable for a lot of people – vain or silly even. We get it – the first thing people say on visiting a studio is how much they hate having their photo taken. I would encourage you to push past that initial discomfort and think of a professional headshot as exactly what it is  – an investment in your products/services, career and yourself.

#headshots #linkedInHeadshots #professionalbusinessheadshots #SocialMediaHeadshots


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